Bill Clinton says Obama ignores the Clinton legacy. Er.. which legacy of which Clinton?
Former President Bill Clinton said in Texas that Obama's America would require eliminating anybody who did anything good in the 90s or stopped anything bad from happening from being President. Sadly, Bill Clinton fails to understand the grist of Obama's position. Hillary Clinton held no elected office in the 90s and Bill Clinton spent the 90s with his pants down and a woman hidden under his desk. Bill Clinton clearly forgot that his legacy is Ground Zero in New York City. That is why Sen. Barack Obama very graciously stayed quiet on that subject.
Remember Bill Clinton vetoed a Republican legislation authorizing law enforcement to wire tap people and not phone numbers. Clinton also forbids the CIA and the FBI from sharing information concerning people who intend to do America harm. This meant people like the hijackers on September 11th could plot outside the country and execute their fiendish plans within the country. The first World Trade Centre attacks happened under his watch. They knew that foreign extremists intended to attack America, but Bill Clinton choose to make the US intelligence community unable to respond to those threats by cutting their funding and hampering the security apparatus. Now he has the gall to claim that his presidency made good things happen and stopped bad thing from happening. This really could not be further from the truth.
Frankly, the only good thing that happened during his Presidency was the market boom of the 90s. Even that he could not take credit for. The truth is that the so-called recession was only a minor hip-cup due to the length of continuous economic growth. Besides, the stock market boom did not take place until the Republicans took over Capitol Hill in 1995. Wall Street loves Washington gridlock.
Anyway, why is Bill Clinton talking about his legacy at his wife's campaign rallies? As Obama so correctly argued who is running for White House. Bill or Hillary. Bear in mind, Obama raised that question in a debate every time he reminds Hillary of an error of fact that Bill Clinton made about him or his positions at her campaign rallies and she just side stepped it by blaming Bill for saying it. Perhaps, the truth is that Hillary is running for the White House so that Bill could have eight more years in the White House. This time, it will be Bill Clinton doing the work of the President while Hillary takes the credit. At the same time, a male White House intern will have his pants down with Hillary. The rest I will leave to your vivid imagination.
Speaking of Hillary's legacy in the 90s, the only legacy I remember of Hillary is the landslide defeat in the 1994 mid-term elections. Shortly after taking office, Bill Clinton named his wife to lead a White House task force on healthcare. The result was the federal government taking over the healthcare industry or, as critics called it, Hillary care. It was so unpopular that many Congressional Democrats who supported it and was up for re-election in 1994 lost. It brought in twelve years of Republican control on Capitol Hill.
In an attempt to respond to every criticism from the Obama camp, Bill Clinton ends up talking about his Presidential legacy. The fact that Bill Clinton talks about himself demonstrates the desperate need of bolstering up his wife's lack of credible foreign or national security experience. Specifically, her vote to authorise the war in Iraq and her refusal to admit it was wrong. Obama was right when he said that being President means making the right judgment on the first day, not showing off one's Washington experience with a history of making the wrong decision. The truth of the matter is Hillary Clinton has spent most of her life waging class warfare. Her idea of reward for success is higher taxes and more pork in the budget. She is about returning to the politics of right wing conspiracies instead of uniting the country to face the challenges of the future like health care, religious extremism, global warming, nuclear proliferation and raising the American standard of living.
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